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atomic reactor 原子反應堆。

atomic rocket

India is currently banned from buying fuel and technology for atomic reactors because it has conducted nuclear tests outside the framework of the nuclear non - proliferation treaty 法國總統薩爾科齊星期五強烈支持具有爭議的美、印民用核能協議。這項協議如果最終獲得通過,將使得印度能夠從美國、法國等國家獲得長期以來被拒絕提供的民用核能技術。

But windmills and atomic reactors are expensive , and the only way they can compete with fossil fuels is through subsidies or higher energy prices that reflect the full cost of emitting carbon 不過,風能和核電是昂貴的,唯一出路是,英國政府可以通過補貼或更高的能源價格來競爭化石燃料市場,實現全面減排二氧化碳。

Our first atomic reactor was built in1958 我們第一個原子反應堆建于1958年。

A right kind of fuel is needed for an atomic reactor 原子反應堆需要一種合適的燃料